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2. Rong-Kai Xu, Lei Zhang, Fang-Lue Zhang. Intrinsic omnidirectional image decomposition with illumination pre-extraction. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2024.
3. Biao Dong, Bo-Yao Ma, Lei Zhang. Spatially and temporally optimized audio-driven talking face generation. Computer Graphics Forum, 2024.
4. Lei Zhang, Hua Huang. Image stitching with manifold parameterization. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2023.
5. Mingfei Yu, Lei Zhang, Wufan Wang, Jiahui Wang. SCP-SLAM: Accelerating DynaSLAM with static confidence propagation. IEEE VR, 509-518, 2023.
6. Wufan Wang, Lei Zhang, Hua Huang. Revisiting unsupervised local descriptor learning. AAAI, 298, 2680-2688, 2023
7. Jianxiang Rong, Lei Zhang, Hua Huang, Fanglue Zhang. IMU-assisted online video background identification. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 31, 4336-4351, 2022.
8. Delei Chen, Lei Zhang, Hua Huang. Robust extraction and super-resolution of low-resolution flying aeroplane from satellite video. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 4700916: 1-16, 2022.
9. Mingfei Yu, Lei Zhang, Wufan Wang, Hua Huang. Loop closure detection by using global and local features with photometric and viewpoint invariance. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 30, 8873-8885, 2021.
10. Shipeng Zhang, Lizhi Wang, Lei Zhang, Hua Huang. Learning tensor low-rank prior for hyperspectral image reconstruction. CVPR 2021.
11. Lei Zhang, Qingzhuo Zheng, Hua Huang. Intrinsic motion stability assessment for video stabilization. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 25(4), 1681-1692, 2019.
12. Hua Huang, Xiaoxiang Wei, Lei Zhang. Encoding shaky videos by integrating efficient video stabilization. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 29(5), 1503-1514, 2019.
13. Lei Zhang, Qingzhuo Zheng, Hongkang Liu, Hua Huang. Full-reference stability assessment of digital video stabilization based on Riemannian metric. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 27(12), 6051-6063, 2018.
14. Lei Zhang, Xiaoquan Chen, Xinyi Kong, Hua Huang. Geodesic video stabilization in transformation space. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 26(5), 2219-2229, 2017.
15. Yu Zang, Hua Huang, Lei Zhang. Guided adaptive image smoothing via directional anisotropic structure measurement. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 21(9), 1015-1027, 2015.
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